Currently, ActiveRain is blessed with 129 Ambassadors. So what does it all mean?
ActiveRain has always been a place to help real estate related professionals connect and grow their business through learning, educating and sharing. Newer members of AR look for guidance as they begin their journey on AR which can be quite frightful for some. An Ambassador of ActiveRain possesses something special. Everyday I scream “Hallelujah” for the Ambassadors which we are so lucky to have. They help out by trying their very best to emulate exactly what AR is all about.
There is no automatic Ambassadorship awarded as many don’t want the badge because it does mean work. In general, we do like to have our Ambassadors active on AR, after all how would they be able to help others if they didn’t know the current going-ons? Seasoned members with at least 100K points who blog, comment and interact; ones who write informative “how-to” posts for other members of AR to benefit from, reach out to the newbies via phone, comment or email and possess admiration for ActiveRain.
Not only on the forefront, but our Ambassadors help us a great deal behind-the-scenes too. I’m constantly asking them to lend a hand on projects, help with back-end testing of AR before it’s released to the public and many other things that the public does not ever see. I always have more than enough volunteers because they truly care about the well being of AR and its success as so many of you all do. There is no predefined box of prereq’s you must obtain to automatically become an Ambassador. If that were the case we’d have 2,593 Ambassadors (current # of members over 100K points).
Ambassadors are an official representative of ActiveRain and I really don’t know what we’d do without them. It’s impossible for Bob and I to see and hear the pleas of help on AR each day. I’ve got deep inset smile lines now because I constantly find a blog asking for help and quickly scroll to the comments to see a plethora of helpful comments already left.
Many of you already possess this behavior without having the Ambassador badge. Please don’t think it goes unnoticed. If you’d like to nominate yourself or someone in the ‘Rain for the Ambassador program, please send an email to Not all will make it but nominations are always being taken.
From Niki’s post about Ambassadorship:
“Ambassadors are the critical members of ActiveRain who are proactively paying it forward by welcoming and educating the community. We want the Ambassador Badge and status on ActiveRain to mean something important and be special.“
Each and every member of ActiveRain is a link that when connected, makes an invincible circle, never to broken. Thank you ALL for your love and passion of ActiveRain.
Let it Rain!!
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