In July, the inventory for single detached home in River Ranch was high with 50 homes available on the market. Currently, the inventory is down with 41 single family homes now available.
Three homes sold in River Ranch between July and August with an average price of $794,467 ($222.90/sqft) and they spent an average of 154 days on the market.
What mostly made the total inventory go down in River Ranch is the fact that 9 properties were taken off the market (withdrawn) and 3 listings expired. Only 3 homes are currently under contract (pending) with an average price of $444,833 ($204.64/sqft) after spending 142 days on the market.
Of the 41 homes available in River Ranch, 21 are new or proposed constructions while 20 are pre-owned properties. Prices vary from $249,900 to $1,350,000 with the average price being $607,987. The average days on the market for available homes is 151.
Overall, when comparing statistics from 2008 and 2009, the average price for a home in River Ranch is slightly up from $651K to $658K while the price per square foot is down from $212 to $210. Days on the market have jumped from 87 in 2008 to 159 so far this year.
Click here to view all available homes and condos in the Village of River Ranch
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