Even the toughest plant is not indestructible, but these 13 houseplants are easy to care for even for those who don’t have a green thumb.
The bromeliad belongs to the bromeliaceae family, the same family that includes pineapples. Like pineapples, the bromeliad produces pups or side shoots that will replace the original plant. It can last quite a long time, and its favorite temperature is around 70 degrees, making it home friendly. Just be sure to keep the plant away from cold drafts.
Cast-Iron Plant
This sturdy plant lives up to its name, surviving in low light, poor-quality soil, spotty watering, and a wide range of temperatures. Its dark foliage can grow up to two feet high (hence its scientific name, Aspidistra elatior–elatior being Latin for “taller”). The cast-iron plant actually doesn’t like to be bothered too much; it’s a very low maintenance plant that also looks beautiful.
Jade Plant
Native to South Africa, jade plants are succulents that retain water in their round, green leaves. They’re pretty easygoing. Desert and succulent plants “go dormant” if they don’t get enough water, but will start to re-hydrate and grow when given water once again. Be mindful of the shallow roots, which can rot easily or fall out of the pot.
Prayer Plant
The prayer plant gets its name from its nightly resting phase. At night, the leaves of the prayer plant, also called calathea, fold up as if it’s praying. It appreciates living in moist soil and yields pretty foliage.
This succulent, water-retaining plant grows bright, colorful bell-shaped flowers. It takes very little care and welcomes dry climates and temperature swings. It can even withstand 45 degree winter weather.
Ponytail Palm
Officially called the Beaucarnea recurvata, the slow-growing ponytail palm likes basking in a sunny window. Don’t over-water this Mexico native, for its stems work off its reserves. It’s a bargain, too–you can find them at some grocery stores for about 50 cents!
Phalaenopsis Orchid
Native to tropical Asian countries like the Philippines, the phalaenopsis orchid likes low light. Think twice about this plant if you live in a dry climate, as the orchid has a better chance of thriving in humid areas. Most orchids are pretty forgiving; watering them every week to week and a half is plenty to keep them thriving. Another perk is that, unlike most hard-to-kill houseplants, this one produces a gorgeous flower.
Hundreds of species of the large-leafed philodendron grow in the West Indies, Mexico, and Brazil. The plant likes low light. One caveat: they like to be on the dry side, so don’t water them more than once a week (this shouldn’t be a problem for us forgetful gardeners!).
Crown of Thorns
A native to Madagascar, the succulent, water-retaining shrub doesn’t like much water. Otherwise, it’s not picky. Plus, it produces lovely red blooms year round. It does have two downsides. Its thorns and its sap can cause blisters and swelling if not handled carefully.
This leafy vine, which can grow a 10 foot tail indoors, survives low light and irregular watering. Some people have fun trying to see how long they can get this vine to grow. It’s not too picky, aside from the fact that it’s not quite as tolerant of droughts as other plants.
ZZ Plant
The ZZ plant, officially named Zamioculcas zamiifolia, is native to East Africa but thrives just about anywhere. Tolerant of the dangerous trifecta of plant killers–drought, low light, and really low humidity–the ZZ plant is sometimes considered the king of indestructible plants. This beautiful plant with dark green, shiny foliage grows to more than a foot tall, even indoors. It doesn’t need much water, either, due to the succulent bulb that the stems grow out of.
This evergreen shrub, also known as an umbrella tree, can reach 15 feet outside. Like many plants, it can be mildly toxic. Be sure to give it enough care, lest you want it to grow more slowly.
Mother-in-Law’s Tongue
This mother-in-law’s tongue is tough to kill. It’s not high-maintenance, so you can ignore it on occasion (like how you sometimes try to ignore your mother-in-law’s words). These tough plants can go for a month without water! Its leaves are typically tall, stiff and vertical, but come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
Originally posted at: Lafayette Real Estate News