Great information by Anita Clark that I discovered I had missed . The infographics were excellent and the article was very informative and appealing. I decided to reblog it for any others that may have also missed the article. Thank you Anita for sharing such a great article. KUDOS to you!
Sharing on Social Sites to Build Business
Earlier this month Bob Stewart challenged us to share tips on how we are using social sites to build our business in his Crowdsourcing: The Art of Social Sharing post. I am active on numerous social sites and thought I would share a social media option I recently began using that has already paid dividends in the way of new clients! It is the use of Infographics (information stored in a graphic display) in my marketing.
I start by writing a blog post on my WordPress site, then I promote that post over the next couple of days via various social media outlets. All standard fare that many of you already perform.
After a few more days I (my daughter) create an Infographic on (there are many sites that do the same thing but we chose this one) using data obtained from my WP blog post. That Infographic is then saved to (again, there are many Infographic “storage” sites on the Web) where it is also promoted on various social media sites over a couple of days.
After another day or two a companion blog post is created on ActiveRain that displays the actual Infographic and snippets from my WordPress blog post. Like before, this post is socially shared on various platforms to generate exposure.
It is important to note that every post or graphic either has a link pointing directly back to my original WP post or has a clear path to get there displayed somewhere on the Infographic.
The AR backlink as well as those from social sites help tell Google my WP post has authority and in many cases helps drive that post up in the SERPs. Of course the benefit of that is consumers find my content, check out the data, and call for real estate assistance.
This method works fantastically well for market reports, foreclosure/short sale reports, and even posts that contain lists/bullet points (top 10, etc.). They are easy to create and consumers seem to really like the visual display of information.
If you have not tried using Infographics in your marketing, I would encourage you to give them a try. The results can be well worth the effort expended!
Below is an example of using Infographics to “tell a real estate story”.
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All original text, video, and photo content is the exclusive property of Anita Clark Realtor and may not be used without expressed written permission. The information contained herein has been obtained through sources deemed reliable but cannot be guaranteed for its accuracy. We recommend to all buyers and sellers that any information of special interest be obtained through independent verification. All measurements are approximate. Information contained in this blog does not constitute legal advice or opinions. Contact a licensed real estate attorney if you have legal concerns.
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